Nordest una visione per il futuro

[[wysiwyg_imageupload:157:height=305,width=300]]The magazine Nordest  (in italian), Jan-Feb 2012, talks about the economic future of Italy beyond the present crisis. They see entrepreneurs dedicated to emerging markets like ecosustainable products and services, ICT and other high tech areas. The article "Oltre la Crisi" (Beyond the crisis) mentions Gianluca Salvatori and Progetto Manifattura because the "green innovation factory" is an incubator of companies working in green building, renewable energy, and technologies for the environment.

Progetto Manifattura is looking at the long term. The goal is to create a nucleus of many small companies in the clean-tech field to become the Italian epicenter of epochal economic change. It's all part of the so-called "Trentino System": the decades long pursuit of the local government to grow in clean tech and high tech.