Green Innovation Academy

School of Entrepreneurship and sustainable innovation

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In order to accompany the start up of new enterprises, in particular projects conceived with a high level of social and environmental  innovation, it is essential to make available a varied range of neo-entrepreneurial tools with the objective of consolidating and strengthening – rather than accelerating - the planning skill capacity of the enterprise, favouring aggregation and orientating them into a context of opportunity that serves to sustain growth. 


In this light, Progetto Manifattura, thus, provides not only space and a hosting service, but also a new initiative: Green Innovation Academy.

The Academy, conceived and realized in collaboration with the Faculty of Economics and Management of the University of Trento, has a dual function. Firstly, to instill in the individual entrepreneur the importance not only of specialist technical skills, but also the ability to assimilate a style orientated towards an entrepreneurial spirit in line with attitudes that are risk averse, in addition to fostering creative ability and of ars combinatoria of diverse resources that can render the enterprise sustainable and efficacious.

Secondly, the training programme is designed to create the principal critical elements relating to entrepreneurial action, and not only the definition of the idea of business, but rather transversal aspects, such as the commercialization and sales network, financial planning, contracts with suppliers and clients, communication and marketing.

The Academy welcomes not only entrepreneurs located within Progetto Manifattura, but also all those who intend to start up a new entrepreneurial initiative and who require a solid base and inspiration to realize their goals.        

The programme is structured in modules. The basic module is an integral part of the Greenhouse programme and thus the participation of all the enterprises enrolled on the course is required. The advanced modules can be chosen by each entrepreneur according to their individual requirements.

The Green Innovation Academy courses represent an important opportunity for growth while also consolidating the entrepreneurial community that has the potential to be a focal point for generating additional opportunities. Each participant on the course will receive a course certificate that will serve both to enhance their professional curriculum and as requisite for access to further resources of the project’s programme for growth.